I'm not so sure that the age old religious directive to follow in the footsteps of the overly friendly fruitflies and "Be Fruitful and Multiply" everywhere, is actually a universally applicable policy and procedure thing.
Did G-d include breeding on everyones life to do list ?
Are dysfunctional fathers fixable.
Letter of the law daddys programmed to connect with no spirit in sight are about as fun and deep as letter of the figuretive law husbands that are programmed to purchase flowers every friday.
To all the really good daddies out there, especially the one's that i've come across over the years, thank you for working so hard and daddying soo good.
As much as I would love to think that Aunti-ing is the most important part of a kids life, I know good daddies are probally way more important.
OK, I also know at the end of the day there really is only one father namely G-d, that I technically should be filing my complaints/ concerns/cryings and confidings with.Its just so hard depending on Gd when the answers are just as ambiguous and or flexible as the questions.
Its easier to keep on acquiring new daddies here on earth, on an as needed basis .
is that what you're looking for? a father?
"a" would imply thats its 1 father i'm looking for.
In life, one can never have too many fathers.
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