But as the hurried footsteps fade away into the dim lit lobbies, another successful day has begun anew, fueled for the most part by the focused rush towards absolute existential functionalism.
Who on earth wants to keep on going rigidly straight on straightlaced street to the cubicle, when you got all this sparkly material flirting at you in the window,beckoning creatively and promising opportunity,creativity,infinity,eternity and a life of sparkle and sequins.
The morning, walk in the city, towards the cubicle is sooo hard.
There is never any time to read the horoscope from the complimentary paper of the morning either. Its always good to know the personal energy forecast for the day.It seems clear, in a serendipity kind of way, that the horoscope from the paper thats handed to me personally in the morning, is the proper horoscope to guage the days relative success or failure rate off of.
How often in life do you get the morning paper handed to you just for being you ?
As for the i'm such a sucker for sequins situation.
I guess the answer for now would be the sequined panel cubicle initiative.
I've started with the first panel, its kind of inspiring and just gives the more mundane tasks that sequined starry halo when you start spacing out.
I guess the answer for now would be the sequined panel cubicle initiative.
I've started with the first panel, its kind of inspiring and just gives the more mundane tasks that sequined starry halo when you start spacing out.
Its kind of a sequined check system making sure the focus doesnt stray very far.
Wasting minutes at work is never a good thing.
The only sidetrack trouble I still have in my morning routine, is getting past the lobby and all its holiday decor.
Its definitely a sparkle dust and colored light heart throb.
Its definitely a sparkle dust and colored light heart throb.
There should be allowances made for tardiness during the holiday season.
Only for tardiness? Or for tartness as well? I hope so!
Not for tartliness, mind you.
Well, maybe that, too.
lol, artfully tart retorting can cause a little trouble sometimes.
My recollection is that that particular time, it did not. Alas.
How often in life do you get the morning paper handed to you just for being you ?
Brilliant. Iridescent, even.
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