Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tis the Season for Transit Tinsel and Tree Charms

The New York Transit Museum at Grand Central has their in-store christmas tree and ceiling all decked out in subliminally sparkly & inherently colorful subway transit tree charms and coordinating ceiling ornaments.
Lots of enlightening tinsel and related relic replicas like glitterized tokens sparkling with color and subliminal cheer.
All glittered up and glowing for the holidays. Its my favorite ornament theme on a tree so far.
Their holiday train show is definitely worth the trip from anywhere .
I hope the tree and ceiling ornaments are purchase-able after New Year's.
Its never too early to start collecting traditions.
And I've always had a special space deep in my heart for christmas lights and functional glitter.
But it is getting harder to weather the cold, without needing the warmth, not sure why.
Also, the museum has added a new shot glass to their collection. The clear glass one with the dashing commuter graphic.

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