Unfortunatly though, I actually adhere to this intoxicating school of thought more frequently.There is something so liberating about avoiding common sense and functional functionalism.
The iridescent refractions/eclectic reflections/sketchy questions/wayword word whittlings & rough uncut wonderings of one Jaded Topaz
And it doesn't come in this bottle, either!
Sometimes when it's hard obtaining a prescription , its smart to use OTC and self help remedies.An alcoholic loaf is better than none at all or a hyper loaf.Think of the gingerbread man, he must have have been one hyper cookie jumpin right out of the oven .How different would his life have been had he been able to sit and not be running around .....
You think he'd be better off sloshed at the bottom of the gingerbread jar? Kind of like whiskey cake, I guess.
Anyway not a good idea before a big fast, Crystal.
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