Oh my G-d Desperate Housewives is my favorite show. Other than Grays Anatomy.
Mike and Susan’s wedding with the whimsical colorful lanterns strung along on trees is perfect.Spontaneity included .
I'm definitely goin to do something along those colorful lantern lines.(my kid will come after though)
That show is soooo profound on a thousand different emotional levels.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Urban Bourbon

There really is nothing like getting all bourbon buzzed in urban territory.Subway rides seem way more fun too and there is that whole new way of lookin at life/subway pole dancing and laughing hard with friends over subway commercials that are really not that funny.
Life is bascially a short subway ride.You can hop on and off tryin to find the right stop but at the end of the day you will hear a message similar to the end of the 2 train message ingrained in my head " this is the last stop on the train everyone please leave the train". And then you will have no choice but to leave the train and hope you did all the right things. And also hope u didnt miss the last q bus. fun times fun times.
So my new favorite quote of the day "No one dies a virgin lifes fucks us all" Kurt Cobain.
Love that concept. Promoting negativity is fun sometimes.
Anyway back to how short life is , I guess I should focus on pure purpose promoting.
Really though , why am I here , where am I going and how am I getting there. Is a husband waiting for me somewhere. Will the key charm ever start working.
Will the fluted topaz heart charm ever attract the husband I'm suppposed to marry.
Could I ever really commit to a marriage.
Do I really need to at the end of the day.
Why was I created again.
The previous self centered pieces of random thought processes have been brought to you in full by the Urban Bourbon Society for Boozing Bumstresses and dedicated to thriving through imbibing initiatives.
Saturday, May 12, 2007

"Scientists draw Link between Morality And Brain's Wiring"
is a thoroughly profound piece "drawing a direct link between the neuroanatomy of emotion and moral judgement".
is a thoroughly profound piece "drawing a direct link between the neuroanatomy of emotion and moral judgement".
My favorite part : " At this level of inquiry, the mind is a special effect generated by neurons".Trust is a measure of neuropeptide levels, while fairness is an electromagnetic pattern in the right pre-frontal cortex.Disrupt it with a strong magnet, as did University of Zurich researchers in 2006, and any sense of fair-dealing fades away like a radio station subsumed by static." Robert Lee Hotz.
Its utterly profound and scintillatingly terrific neuroscientific stuff , he is sooooo my new favorite neuroscience writer .
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Random Summations/Disconcerting Conundrums

Has crystal clear clarity gone the way of the trendy pacifier necklace of years gone by.
When do one night stands become one month hooker look-alikes and one year fucked up for life aches.
Y cant I drum up enough patience to sit in one cubicle and focus on one tedious/ tired mission statement for more than three months at a time.
Y cant I love the utterly mundane, stay enchanted with the ordinary, enthralled with the obvious, interested in the less than interesting.
When will I stop running away and after everything, in no particular direction.
Will I ever get my act together long enough to understand why.
The Jaded song just started on WPLJ , serendipitous indeed.
I think its time for some early morning flavored smirnoff smoothies, for that smooth sailing pretend sensation and purely pink sunrise catching.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Life - All dressed Up in Fickle Finery and Fridays Finest

And life is a perfect sunny late April morning in Madison Square Park.
The spring intoxication does have those hangover side effects though & before you can say Groundhog day, you find ureself contemplating pits / spent cherries and abc crabapples that have abruptly taken the place of the pretty pink blossoms that must have flirted their way through life till they hit mud. While you were blissfully tanning through the branches.
You notice that the ethereal lacy picturesque moments have become mundane summer tree moments. The pretty petals fade pretty fast into the windblown path of perpetual spiritual bliss.Scattering all the petals of unanswered questions and quests along in flutterlike fashion like little petulant flower girls
Life's fickle like that.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Think Pink
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Blackberryed Irish Brilliance Sparkling on Bathroom Stall Wall
My starry eyed divine inspiration and intervention for this tedious Tuesday came unpackaged via this Irish gem sparkling with innate wisdom (I wish i knew the author). It landed in my blackberry inbox in the wee early afternoon hours. Thanks in full to exceedingly erudite and astoundingly astute Ryan who photographed & blackberryed this piece of bathroom humor, after coming across the poetic piece in a bathroom stall.
It just puts the tedious, the tacky, the tasky , the pesky, the picturesque and the sappy happy happenstancings .... all in their proper and respective perspectives.
If I only knew how to paint with colors like Ambiguous Gray , Wtf White and G-d are you listening Green, Y me Magenta, Already Been Screwed That Way Sage,Cubicle Lover Coral, Plan ahead Purple, or Stop & Think Pink...... life would not be such an iridescent mess of rainbow opal colors.
Running around and off the edges. Like aimless energy and runaway tears running amok and short circuiting along on the wayward neuronal circuitry tracks .....in no particular order or picture.