There really is nothing like getting all bourbon buzzed in urban territory.Subway rides seem way more fun too and there is that whole new way of lookin at life/subway pole dancing and laughing hard with friends over subway commercials that are really not that funny.
Life is bascially a short subway ride.You can hop on and off tryin to find the right stop but at the end of the day you will hear a message similar to the end of the 2 train message ingrained in my head " this is the last stop on the train everyone please leave the train". And then you will have no choice but to leave the train and hope you did all the right things. And also hope u didnt miss the last q bus. fun times fun times.
So my new favorite quote of the day "No one dies a virgin lifes fucks us all" Kurt Cobain.
Love that concept. Promoting negativity is fun sometimes.
Anyway back to how short life is , I guess I should focus on pure purpose promoting.
Really though , why am I here , where am I going and how am I getting there. Is a husband waiting for me somewhere. Will the key charm ever start working.
Will the fluted topaz heart charm ever attract the husband I'm suppposed to marry.
Could I ever really commit to a marriage.
Do I really need to at the end of the day.
Why was I created again.
The previous self centered pieces of random thought processes have been brought to you in full by the Urban Bourbon Society for Boozing Bumstresses and dedicated to thriving through imbibing initiatives.
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