Has crystal clear clarity gone the way of the trendy pacifier necklace of years gone by.
When do one night stands become one month hooker look-alikes and one year fucked up for life aches.
Y cant I drum up enough patience to sit in one cubicle and focus on one tedious/ tired mission statement for more than three months at a time.
Y cant I love the utterly mundane, stay enchanted with the ordinary, enthralled with the obvious, interested in the less than interesting.
When will I stop running away and after everything, in no particular direction.
Will I ever get my act together long enough to understand why.
The Jaded song just started on WPLJ , serendipitous indeed.
I think its time for some early morning flavored smirnoff smoothies, for that smooth sailing pretend sensation and purely pink sunrise catching.
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why...... .....................???????????????
???????????????? !!!!!!!!! HEEELLLPPP!!
Sigh...there are no answers...
Great blog, though.
LOL, thanx, I keep forgetting there are no answers really. Just a plethora of surfacey, placating based panacea for all ills. Or the occasional pacifier that eventuallys falls out and or stops working.
Pacifiers fall out. Early-morning Smirnoff Smoothies make other things fall out. Things you can't just stuff back in.
LOL, like babies ? I havent run into that sort of "falling out" and "cant stuff back in" just yet. But could imagine the ramifications quite clearly.
Or did you mean discipline,self control,dignity and other brain related notions.
Either way pacifiers and all night or early morning smirnoff smoothies have the innate potential for both sides of that ever existing quest for euphoric living.I guess you just need the right kind of pacifiers that continue comforting after morning's come.
Actually in all seriousness I was thinking of livers.
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