G-d has been really good to me even though I'm barely scraping spiritual. I came across this ethereal floral grouping of nearly spent antique rose bush blooms creating their own little floral euphoria on a patch of kelly green clover. It seems almost a spiritual photo shoot arrangement only G-d could have orchestrated .A trio of antique roses blooming in unison ,having received their nourishement as baby buds solely through the spent, wilted branch that must have snapped from the cold unemotional Autumn weather .I should have photographed the buds.
Don't try to peddle the notion that there's something petulant about these petals.
In tryin to meddle mess with your sixty ninth commandmant of thou shalt not peddle notions of the petulant persuasion when in fact there is nothing petulant on a negative level with pretty petals pictured .....I have given that fact some thought, but given the overriding factor of Petulant and Petal being the most awesome word combination ever (and one of my favorite albeit having used it already once in a previous thought pattern), I've decided to give you dear tartly brilliant reader the liberty of applying for a temporary word defining change patent and thus being able to tag a positive subtext or undertone to petulant in this case only. An exception to the rule of sorts for word definition and redefining.Hope thats ok with the tart/ erudite reasoning and brilliant brilliance
Positively persuasive. Didn't mean to be a pest.
Pesticide works precisely and persistently in preventing spent petulant petals from perspiring to the point of permanent expiring in the winds of change.Winds of change can either have negative or positive connotations depending on the energy source.
Does it only depend on the energy source, Crystal!?
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