The sort of everywhere outlook those of wildflower descent tend to express in wayward dances of eloquence and "bloom where your planted" and everywhere in between profusion. I guess bare branches and thorns both have their cons , but albeit being pretty much clear as day and a certain emporer's new clothes kind of cons, its still sort of bordering on unadulterated ambiguity in terms of black white and shades of sky blue sapphire.
Anyway on a brighter note ,this flirty floral/lack of foliage contrast, is a perfect fusion of fickle winter branches and soothing summer rose bloomings in late November. And definitely worthy of the petulant petal for perpetual perceiving and innovative juxtapositioning in late November award. Its smarter to thrive among bare branches as opposed to surviving among the thorns.
Thorns and Hurt are deceitful in nature and consistently cumulative . Bare and Harsh are real and easier to comprehend and get used to .