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Fall Finale
There is something so final about November weather. Its like here are some warm /rainy days in case you miss summer and are experiencing sunning and tanning withdrawl symptoms. But dont get too comfortable or anything cold /bitter and rainy are all on their merry way down. There just seems to be a few minor sidetracks /technical difficulties & some hurricanes and tornadoes to tend to before they make their way down this way. They should be arriving shortly though , all decked out in winter snowflake finery and plenty of whimsicle icicles to decorate life with. Fickle is another one of November's few attributes as is rain, warm/ lukewarm and bitterly cold depending on the mood of the moment.
Yes, November can be like spring, can't it? You think it's spring. It rains. It's warm. Things bloom. You can even find a rose by the train station.
But as you say it's really just the precursor to winter. How to stay warm through the bitter cold? Do memories of the ersatz printemps warm the coming winter, or merely mock it with its promises of false warmth and hope?
The answer must be that we can take from the seasons but not let the seasons make us. Some people think they are merely players in the universe's drama, reading a script written out by Nature itself. But our salvation and our true -- can I say, seasoning? -- come from those flowers we pluck, and plant within us, and even if we lose them in transit or by virtue of the cruelty of the climate, they grow within us always; we nurture them and they bloom within us, and in that world no rain or chill can ever take away their floral delight, their scent of hope, their promise of love, their roots that plunge deep within the soil of our spirits.
I've never had much luck with drying flowers be it antique roses/train station roses/ zany zinnias/heather hedges/flirty cosmos or petulant petunias.For some reason they always just give up in the end and usually do the "crumble and dust" dance mostly from the pressure treated enviroment.My inner climate is way too cold and harsh/stubborn/rocky an enviroment for anything exotic and or high maintainence to flourish and blossomly bloom blissfully and continuously.
Some do, but that is mixture of sheer luck /unadulterated coincidence and appealing happenstancings . Random acts and or meetings of minds and judgements on benches of wooden wonderings and amusing give and take.
Wildflowers are the only sort of flowers that manage to withstand the fickle weather and stone cold/obnoxiously harsh enviroment.As do the occasional color coded cactus garden display.I believe though, should I decide to relocate to Hawaii the soul's soil from within may get influenced by some sort of figuretive osmosis or diffusion and exotic hibiscus plants will the new and improved wildflowers running rampant in the soils of the soul.Creating passionate parties of color and the ultimate fusion of bliss
/passion /ecstasy/ beauty and gardening/ form and function.
Hawaii's floral beauty is a function of both its weather and its volcanic soil. You possess both within you.
Other than volcanic highly volatile in the inconsistent sense hopping from cubicle to cubicle curriculum issues and the occasional sunny disposition and sunnier promoting for a sparklier tommorrow ..... and other than the unique ability to get some of the most intellectual of souls, hyper happy and laughing hysterically over rain puddles and snowflake watching and snowman building with props found in the open parks and then laughing harder until the dusk turns into dawn...... I havent really been able to tap into any inner soil potential of volcanic, hibiscus cultivating and exotic plant promoting stuff.I guess between laughter and alcohol fabricating an ecstatic outlook, is not that difficult a task. I should definitely start some sort holiday cheer sparkle and glitter for all and floral outlook for the everything will be florally ok decorative service.It could be quite the unique and innovative service in the service pink glitter collar industry .
Rosily Ryan - oh my g-d, i'm re-reading your last statement on first comment ;
""But our salvation and our true -- can I say, seasoning? -- come from those flowers we pluck, and plant within us, and even if we lose them in transit or by virtue of the cruelty of the climate, they grow within us always; we nurture them and they bloom within us, and in that world no rain or chill can ever take away their floral delight, their scent of hope, their promise of love, their roots that plunge deep within the soil of our spirits""
The unadulterated profundity and distinctly undefinable depth parameters of this statement is way beyond my depth comprehending abilities . Soooooo profound on soooo many different levels, some levels may or may not even include tears !!!!!!
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