The sort of everywhere outlook those of wildflower descent tend to express in wayward dances of eloquence and "bloom where your planted" and everywhere in between profusion. I guess bare branches and thorns both have their cons , but albeit being pretty much clear as day and a certain emporer's new clothes kind of cons, its still sort of bordering on unadulterated ambiguity in terms of black white and shades of sky blue sapphire.
Anyway on a brighter note ,this flirty floral/lack of foliage contrast, is a perfect fusion of fickle winter branches and soothing summer rose bloomings in late November. And definitely worthy of the petulant petal for perpetual perceiving and innovative juxtapositioning in late November award. Its smarter to thrive among bare branches as opposed to surviving among the thorns.
Thorns and Hurt are deceitful in nature and consistently cumulative . Bare and Harsh are real and easier to comprehend and get used to .
Does anyone really have an "icy cold core"? Certainly Jaded does not. She shows this each time she posts! To the contrary she's a steaming greenhouse of horticultural heat, a blooming boiler and a florid furnace... it is only that superficial - what some people call "surfacy" -- crystalline, jade-encrusted outer coating that is hard, cold and ever-protective. Nothing gets through to the hot core... right?
Ever try keeping your spent bitter blooms / bleary eyed petals/sincerely yet surely disintegrating soul/icy cold core ....... unruffled & perfectly poised among the thorns?
The only consulation is that roses of a feather should stick together...
Or perhaps, "Blooms of a thorn should apart not be torn"?
Anonymous - The roses of a feather plucked together that ive come across dont look none too happy bundled up in groups of four spending the rest of their floral days in decorative displays..... or in corner bodegas in neat little winter white pails, waiting patiently for someone to pick them and say come home with me .I want you to decorate my life and my table with your cheerful color even if only for a temporary period of time.I will even purchase you for 3 dollars to impress you with my living largesse with plenty of excess skills .
Ryan - blooms of a thorn fade on their own if they dont take petals and matters into their own hands and preserve the blooms for posterity purposes via lacquer veener or some other form of fabricating the present for future preservation.Left to wind /weather weedy neighbors and crabgrass friends among and related harsh circumstances, the bloom on the branch with the thorns will just fade away into the past petal by petal until all thats left are the thorns and the branch with nothing to nourish and nothing to hurt .Thorns anyone .How about a lovely bouquet of thorns and branches to decorate life with. just make things a little more real why use flowers when life is really just a bunch of branches and thorny issues and thorns. Ok the occasional rose zinnia or petunia weather permitting of course.
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