The grass is always greener , when you confine your grass to small circular metal spaces for decorative purposes only . If you dont like local/strict/rigid/look before you step , confined spaces and love the global everywhere approach to stuff, replacing the grass with colorful flowers (in open spaces) is a way better solution than trying to figure out how to keep your grass from getting trampled on and switching colors on you.
Its way easier to be hyper happy and ectatically ecstatic on a consistent basis , if your patch is just a colorful open space of wildflowers running rampant in a "bloom where your planted" and EverywherE in between sort of way.When the going gets muddy, just keep on planting more flowers until the mud is a just a fading memory of smudged drudgery.
1 comment:
The grass is always greener , when you confine your grass to small circular metal spaces for decorative purposes only .
That is one of the most profound statements I have ever read!
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