Is it ok to just continuously redecorate re-fabricate depending on season and what sort of ladder rung (rusty or platinum or even tungsten steel ) your trying to balance yourself on.
It gets sort of tricky when you spend your whole life fabricating a funky fun or flirty floral fabric outlook only to make the disconcerting discovery that your core essence is just a flimsy piece of spongey foam .Eagerly absorbing and constantly self saturating with all the flirting, flattery and screwy playing dumb in a smooth jazz song concepts and suggestions that are flung along .Thoroughly distracted and secure in the perpetual plastic protection myth and utterly oblivious to the foam thats beginning to question her plastic existence by peeking out with her true colors. I guess its just easier to do a sponge material makeover in a whole new shade of pink coral pleather.
What does it sound like when foam begins to question, exactly?
It's more of a visual questioning.A new Constant switching of material dress,and subsequent being selective with those who are allowed to sit and step all over her.An enlightened sponge begins to understand why self saturating with every bit of flattery and flirty user friendliness that sits her way is not the best way to keep her image tatter free and her outlook intact, and will just lead to tatters and the waterlogged worn thin raggedy outlook and a whole new brightly obnoxious beginning.
Ah, well yes. I think I can hear that sponge singing, actually.
But have I heard that song before?
Its a remix . No more country straight from the heart giving/loving/losing everything and still giving for the sake of the farm.The farm will have to find other altruistic inhabitants and faithful fans still singing country twang.This is a whole new song, mixture of hip hop /rapping redundant refrains and the unadulterated urban hipster themes.The sort of remix Pollyana would never be caught singing ever.Sponge Bob would probally sing it as would Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland and Pippi Longstocking.
Can't wait for the hard siren call of those mean streets. What is it about them that makes them so irresistable? Is it their very stoniness?
Mixture of living on the edge in a stoned stoniness existence and the run runner running craving rampant in certain brainwaves and short circuitings.Cute/ quaint /victorian cottages painted in pastel shades of pollyana pink and cup half full coral with equally quaint gardens and related floral romantic notions are perfect for visiting with friends on a rainy day.Otherwise its just the constant need for connecting with urban renewal reality and related activities.Its the sort of stuff that gets one through an otherwise stony existence of just another rock on a stone strewn trail towards enlightenment.getting your kicks out of tripping other know it alls on the trail just gets tiring after a while especially when sometimes they have a sharp point or edge .
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