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Floating Sparkle Dust Evergreen Tree
So basically, everyone gets a preprogrammed version of choice/free will and related energies to decide how they will be functioning on a deeper christmas lights level. Some are happiest strung rigidly in neat circuitious circles around a frostbitten/icy cold evergreen tree firmly planted in the outdoor mud /others are happier gently laced in wayward meandering free form patterns around a pink tinsel tree from Urban Outfitters/and still others are happiest in mid air not attached to anything particular /whimsical and flirting with the windchimes on cute little porchtops .Functioning as perfect/ sparkling whimsicle icicles .Or if your really lucky with the glitter connections, you can get yourself draped around the evergreen tree doing neverending circles of circuitious sparkledust slow dancing, right in the center of Macy's Beauty window on Broadway in NYC.
Just because one is "happiest strung" in a particular locale, does that mean one will end up there? What if one finds oneself as a dull, drab fluorescent Gumby on some dull, drab front lawn, in some dull, drab New Jersyian hamlet? Can Gumby be happy in Times Square? Or is Gumby by definition happiest strung out on some dull, drab front lawn?
Happiest location is no guarantee or indication of where a particular personal string of christmas lights will end up strung considering luck destiny and all that preprogrammed stuff. Some are forcefully strung rigidly/ some are hoodwinked into stringing themselves in places they dont particular like / and some change their decorative status on their own.Some stay on string some become icicles some trade everything in and become ornaments and some are just left in the box too tired to come out and play anymore..... I would suggest Gumby pick his plastic self up and relocate to somewhere more exciting if the drab lawn he is currently residing on is functioning as a definite impediment to his merry holiday of sparkle and glitter and hyper happy aspirations.Or he could invite other decorative holiday ornaments/sparkly christmas lights and characters to join him on the drab slab of surburban lawn.The question is , is Gumby capable of changing his suburban drab destiny / is drab the predestined /not so very lucky star energy he was welcomed into earth under.Those kind of stars can mess with glitter sparkle efforts . They are the black/ rough diamonds sort of stars. they technically are stars but they just mess wtih anything fun hyper happy and sparkly .They feel since they dont sparkle and are just rough black diamond stars they dont see why any of the individuals born under their star energy need glitter sparkle happy and good fortune. As a matter of fact they are quite against this sort of happy related energy.and will do their best to make sure any efforts are tagged with two leaf clover sort of energy with no four leaf clover energy/ good luck energy in sight.
What if instead of Gumby it was a plastic Santa? Do the same rules apply?
Considering Santa's background/ religious status/ many perks from his place up north to all those elf friends of his he probally has more connections than the average plastic tv character gumby.He would probally find it easier to switch locations using his magical sleigh than switching religions or functions.Since his entire existence and purpose for living is the character he plays he might think twice before turning in his red suit and white beard for some glitter ornaments or a plastic gumby outfit.But then again if hes not so sure about the cold place up north and the red suit or the beard and the whole chimmney route is just getting too complicated with all those prefab artifical fireplaces and all he might just want to relocate to warmer climates.The most important factor i guess would be if our santa in question has found meaning/ purpose and connection in his current location.Thats what its really all about mostly.Otherwise its just one cold holiday of sparkles and gift giving after another with the rest of the year spent preparing until hum drum becomes a constant reality .
ince his entire existence and purpose for living is the character he plays That's heretical. He does not "play" Santa. He is Santa.
In essence, what you are saying then, is that every plastic character is a completely unique and unduplicated being with his or her or its own rules of what brings about happiness and meaning to him/her/it as well as life, the universe and everything?
Toasted Ryan- Santa wasnt born with the beard and the red suit - I guess they could be considered props or dress to function properly as the distinguished Santa Claus and to be recognized as such.He has to work on himself and fine tune his shortcomings to play or act as the best Santa Claus he was put on this earth to be.Its not that easy climbing thru skinny chimmneys and just giving and giving and stuff.Especially in a red suit and stuff.And listening to everyone's wishes in all the malls and all those endless pictures.Santa Claus is really quite the epitome of Altruism if you think about it
Anonymous - theres like sixty nine different angles of refracted light on that multifaceted connection depth diamond of pure happiness thing.Theres the predestined energy or the actual rough rock then there is the location of said rough rock or Individual/Gumby/Santa / the question of purpose using destiny is it a pink diamond a black diamond or blue diamond or run of the mill white.... Gumby/Santa/Barney/Care Bears or Sponge Bob ....Can a Care Bear act like a Sponge Bob or a Santa what what if Sponge Bob dresses up like share bear . Can Strawberry Shortcake pretend shes one of the Care Bears will this mess with her purpose and destiny is this considered free will or wrong choices. If I color treat the pink diamond and give it a perfectly purple outlook.Will that ruin the pink diamonds purpose or can perfectly purple do the accomplishing since its just an outlook or color change mostly.Will the fact that the rough diamond was trampled on way too often when growing up in the mud will that effect her choice of color will this change her original destiny? does presentation outlook and color really matter can it change the original purpose of her functioning as say an elegant diamond ring .Now that shes a pretty purple color treated diamond instead of her destined natural pink will she get chosen for a different piece of jewelry maybe part of a belly or eye brow piercing instead of the elegant wedding ring she was created for.Should she have just stayed the natural pink and not let herself get color treated even though purple made her so much happier than pink.If Strawberry Shortcake is so much happier dressing up like Hello Kitty can she find connection purpose and meaning with Hello Kitty and the gang even though she was really created as Strawberry Shortcake.It does get sort of complicated on whats free will/ choice/predestined and the wrong choice or just looking for that elusive happy pill in the form of running until u trip or just keep switching directions interests hobbies /cubicles and projects for the epitome of the multifaceted existence for hyper happy living.
Deep thoughts
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