The iridescent refractions/eclectic reflections/sketchy questions/wayword word whittlings & rough uncut wonderings of one Jaded Topaz
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Redecorating The Blue and White Tinsel of Timeless Traditions
So I just need to emotionally color the Blue and White Tinsel of Timeless Traditions a hazy shade of "IridescentWhy" or maybe "Winter Green Wonder" , like the pretty wreaths in Madison Square Park artfully decorated with eloquent wispy shades of ambiguous silver bows of merriment. Also, I just dont get Hannuka mostly. And all that lets be happy and celebrate, how exactly is one suppose to lets be happy and celebrate.That is just a wee bit difficult, all things considering and contemplating. I dont get alot of things, but Hannuka is just annoying in general and it tends to get increasingly so, every time I get unsolicited related holiday wishes. I DONT DO HANNUKAH PERIOD. As such, I find it exceedingly difficult bordering on acutely painful to pretend to rejoice about concepts I dont understand. Nor do I need any related wishes /hopes /dreams and I certaintly dont need any invites to events associated with the oily /esoteric concepts and themes. So please refrain from the hannukah related friendly overtures /group hugs /invites and loving the light and embracing the oily lectures. I would sincerely suggest you allocate these well meaning overtures and tendencies to those a little more hannukah friendly and needy. I for one, am perfectly content with the more mainstream merry making /mostly universal lights theme- without any laws , sparkly and colorful tinsel oriented decorations and the awesome , multicolored ethereal projects of iridescent color. The epitome of all lighthouse oriented activities, the awesome holiday decorated houses and outdoor property parts.
Just tryin to fix the focus I've managed to fabricate with the wrong materials, mainly, polyester platitudes and rayon reasonings.
I used to always take the scenic route, I've subsequently come to understand it's just a fucking distraction and a waste of energy.
I love arguing/the truth/color and the care bears.
Frequent trips to amusement parks is of equal importance..... as is the recurring pipe dream to subsequently avoid the long term hurt generally associated with impulsive short term oriented - sharp ,living on the edge choices of Jaded ,Jittery and Sparkly Crystal.
Stuff I learnt = "The grass is always greener when confined to small circular metal spaces for decorative purposes only","When life gives you lemons make lemondrops and drink until you dont know the difference between spent faith and spent effort"....
I'm also a sucker for sequins.
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