Sunday, December 17, 2006

Redecorating The Blue and White Tinsel of Timeless Traditions

So I just need to emotionally color the Blue and White Tinsel of Timeless Traditions a hazy shade of "Iridescent Why" or maybe "Winter Green Wonder" , like the pretty wreaths in Madison Square Park artfully decorated with eloquent wispy shades of ambiguous silver bows of merriment. Also, I just dont get Hannuka mostly. And all that lets be happy and celebrate, how exactly is one suppose to lets be happy and celebrate.That is just a wee bit difficult, all things considering and contemplating. I dont get alot of things, but Hannuka is just annoying in general and it tends to get increasingly so, every time I get unsolicited related holiday wishes. I DONT DO HANNUKAH PERIOD. As such, I find it exceedingly difficult bordering on acutely painful to pretend to rejoice about concepts I dont understand. Nor do I need any related wishes /hopes /dreams and I certaintly dont need any invites to events associated with the oily /esoteric concepts and themes. So please refrain from the hannukah related friendly overtures /group hugs /invites and loving the light and embracing the oily lectures. I would sincerely suggest you allocate these well meaning overtures and tendencies to those a little more hannukah friendly and needy. I for one, am perfectly content with the more mainstream merry making /mostly universal lights theme- without any laws , sparkly and colorful tinsel oriented decorations and the awesome , multicolored ethereal projects of iridescent color. The epitome of all lighthouse oriented activities, the awesome holiday decorated houses and outdoor property parts.
Have a Merry Morning and Month

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