Whats not to be merry about.G-d Loves You in case your having trouble seeing that amidst the clouds/ sleet / hail storms and other showerings of love. Its just soooo obvious ,cuz like if I would be responsible committed to all sorts of commitees and commitments and sincerely serious and know right from wrong, (of which I really obviously have no excuse not to be knowing after all that expensive tuition oriented private schooling), then I wouldnt be so lazy/ambiguous/lost in the shuffle/hazy shade of haziness about stuff and choices and direction and everything would be as obvious as Ruby the Beautiful Red Bow ,beckoning the garden hoe to continue cultivating the limp /fickle greenery instead of letting everyone including herself trample all over the four leaf clovers that are supposedly rampant among the crab grass and ferny looking things.Just be merry for G-ds sake and pretend you know why ure supposed to be making pretty/ colorful /flourishing gardens out of limp fickle winter foliage.
I find it hard to believe that you don't know right from wrong, regardless of success or otherwise of private school etc.
Seriously Skeptical - there are so many variables that need to be included when ascertaining right and wrong.Thats just the first small concern though. When there are endless options and shades of right to choose from, which right do you choose? What is the question that always needs to be answered "what would g-d want""what would make me happier"what would make me run" What would make the world a happier warmer place for holidays?
I'm talkin about a global right and a local individual right or wrong.Actually both are sort entertwined and effect other though.The Subway/Train/Foot/Car these are all right ways of traveling thru NYC .OK you can do wrong within the right modes of transportation have sex on the subway with your boss or manage to avoid paying the subway fare/ sneak on to new jersey transit train and say ure getting off at Secucaus but ride all the way to Point Pleasant switchover .So basically chooosing among the plethora of right choices. Which right will net the most right moments ? Which right will allow me to be altruistic on a global level ? I can adopt the homeless in port authority and give out free coupons to duane reade for holiday snacks.How do you know which right is the right right thats really the question not right from wrong.Should I get the monthly subway pass or just walk everywhere or get a car and thats just being simple with simple metaphors it gets way more complicated ..........
You seem to have really thought this out. And perhaps then some.
On the subway? That's impossible.
Toasted Ryan- I always think all the way and then some .what fun would all the way thinking be without the then some to make things just a wee bit more complicated then they already are .As for sex on the subway, well anything and everywhere is possible mostly though I actually wouldnt reccomend the subway for passionate activity with bosses. Aside from the fact that one might lose ones pants and ure wallet and or job, I wouldnt really vouch for the sanitary conditions on the passionate orange painted seats or the silver shiny poles (depending on preferred positions ) twinkling with a hard days work of sweaty hand holding tight.The parks are usually a better option.
Uh oh -- is this post referncing someone we know: http://www.jewlicious.com/?p=2963
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